Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I settled for a "Slow Down"

This will be short and very sweet or as sweet as I can personally be-and those who know me know this can be a stretch.

This weekend I realized more than a few things. See recently my guy and I went away on a little trip. He spent a lot of the time golfing and I spent a lot of time...doing...well NOTHING. There was shopping one day but other than that while he was golfing I simply enjoyed the time just being.

I caught up on my addiction to Pretty Little Liars. Started reading a new noval.
Slept. A lot.

One thing I tried to refrain from was the constant checking of Facebook or other forms of social media but I was still checking once a day.

On this trip I realized more than a few things.
1.) My body requires more sleep-I know this because we only had two really late night only one of which that was spent 'out'.
2.) I wanted to share everything on media! (More on this later.) But I have my phone CONSTANTLY and to be honest after this trip, I find myself repulsed by it!
3.) No matter what we think-we ALL need a 'slow down' and a reminder that life isn't meant to be lived behind a FB, Twitter, or IG feed. You can share all those quotes you want but unless you're out there living-REALLY living them they can't mean too much.

I'm very thankful to have gotten to go on the trio and be allowed a break from my every day norm. It was very well needed.

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